All over America, the Lord himself is stirring a new generation of leaders to be bold in the Lord, as He directs us to make some drastic changes in how we do church. This is not an attempt to have a critical spirt about what we have done, but an encouragement to fearlessly move forward with the Lord’s agenda. Let me share some observations
We must admit that having church the way we have always had it is not working. The Lord is speaking to his bride to put on new wineskins. We need to get back to the model Jesus instituted when he walked the shores of Galilee. God is pouring out revelation of some things we have missed and teaching us strategies to implement what he s leading us to do. It is time church to rise up and be all that God has created us to walk in. Below are some things the Lord is asking us to change.
A shift from Church to Kingdom, focusing on the 166.5 hours outside the 1.5 hours in church.
Change from a Gospel of Salvation to the Gospel of the Kingdom, where we focus on bringing heaven to earth to demonstrate the awesome love of Jesus, thereby bringing many to become Sons and Daughters and true disciples not just believers.
The church becoming a training center for doing life in our sphere influence and not just doing church on Sundays.
Penetrating the darkness with His Glorious light instead of hibernating from the conflict.
An outpouring of His Love and Grace, equipping us to walk in humility and unity as his body before the world demonstrating his love and power bringing the culture of heaven with us.
Restoration of the priesthood of all believers walking in the power of God in their assigned field.
Obedience to fulfill the Family Mandate and the National Mandate in the Ekklesia of Jesus. ( He will build his church, both Oikos and Ekkelsia.
There are so many things the Lord is shifting, that they would be too numerous to include. I believe many others are experiencing these shifts. Be bold saints and obey what he has put in your heart. Remember five- fold leaders you will sometime have great opposition when you make changes, but you will sleep during the night as you have obeyed the Lord Jesus himself.